We know you want the best for your furry friend! Below are some resources to help you connect with veterinarians, dog trainers and dog boarding services.


AKR advocates for the use of force-free, humane animal training techniques via evidence-based learning theories. As dog training is an unregulated industry in Canada, we advise all dog guardians to seek out certified professionals and be conscientious consumers.

Animal Hospitals

Urban Animal Hospital

Vancouver Veterinary Hospital

Burkeview Animal Hospital

Allondale Animal Hospital

Kim Pet Hospital

Dog Training

Madhvi Chona

David Wagstaff

Dog Boarding

Angel and her husband, Marko, have been dog owners for over 20 years. They have helped foster many dogs, including AKR’s lovely Rose. Currently, the couple has five dogs of their own as they recently adopted their latest AKR foster dogs, Marin and Dalie.


The couple’s love of dogs has encouraged them to help other dog owners by offering their home as a comfortable place for a dog to stay at. Both daycare and boarding services are available from their home in Vancouver.